Friday, March 29, 2013

We Just Paid $427 For Our Travel Medicine And Allergy Rx For Our Move To The Philippines

Yikes!!! We just paid $427.00 for our Travel Medicine and Allergy medications!!!

On a brighter note, it would've cost even more if we didn't have the "premium [health insurance] plan" that's offered by my husband's employer--of course, we have to pay a higher premium per month but with our family's high utilization, it's worth having a smaller co-pay for office visits, prescriptions, and procedures.

Photo Taken During Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2010
Military Training Exercise in Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH)
Photo opportunity provided by Marine Forces Pacific (MARFORPAC)
and MCBH Public Affairs
What can I say, our family's medical and dental appointments make me feel as if we're on an obstacle course: one down, fifty more to go...and that's just the warm-up for round 1!!!

Well, we finally tackled our Travel Medicine and Allergy appointments! It seemed as if we were in-clinic all day. It felt like an entire work day and we came home with two huge, brown paper bags filled with prescriptions.

Other than making sure that our immunizations are up-to-date (i.e. influenza, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Polio, etc.), we also had to take home a ton of prescription medications (and some) per our "Travel Medicine - After Visit Summary", which include (but are not limited to)...

  • Typhoid Vaccine (I was told that these are labeled "probably safe" for breastfeeding mothers)
  • Malarone - if traveling to malarious areas in the Philippines
  • Immodium AD for diarrhea (as needed)
  • Controlled-Release Deet (Sawyer) or Picardin (Saywer) - insect repellant for skin
  • Purell Hand Sanitizer
  • Permethrin - insect repellant for clothes and mosquito nets
  • Augmentin - for infections
  • Ciprofloxacin - for diarrhea

As for our Allergy medications, that is another story. We have a bunch of allergies and interestingly, our Allergist thinks that we might do better in the Philippines. Among the many topical and oral medications that we received, we wanted to make sure that we stocked up on epi-pens!

Both of my arms are still sore from the shots I got today, so...

'Til my next blog post. Aloha!

DISCLAIMER: I am by no means affiliated with any of the organizations listed in this blogpost. For the most accurate and recent information on any of these organizations, please visit their website or contact them directly.

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