Monday, October 22, 2012

Pests and Stars from Madagascar Make Their Way to Honolulu

madagascar giant day gecko at the honolulu zoo in hawaii
This weekend, we went to the Honolulu Zoo with the entire family for a Ohana Field Trip!

The kids found a lot of interesting animals, and there was a brilliant green reptile that stood out in particular: the Madagascar Giant Day Gecko.

My son recently found one of them hanging out in our garage, so after our trip to the zoo, we did a little research on the Internet to see what's going on.

Apparently, these geckos somehow made their way to Hawaii--probably due to pet trade. In a Hawaii News Now article, "Beware, Madagascar Giant Day Gecko Bites!", we are instructed to call agriculture officials at their Pest Hotline, 808-643-PEST, whenever we find one, as they compete with the native birds for the same food source.

Now, we know.

Speaking of Madagascar, we did have a few Madagascar celebrity sightings while at the Honolulu Zoo!

King Julien


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